

Our love for tech stems from its perpetual novelty, its magic-like qualities.

At NEON, we immerse ourselves in the dynamic world of technology, offering unparalleled legal guidance in tech-centric transactions and tech-related legal issues. Our expertise spans Intellectual Property, IT Law, Data Protection, and Commercial Law, catering to the intricate needs of software and tech companies.

Our unique approach to tech transactions sets us apart. With a history rooted in the early days of tech law, we don’t just offer advice; we dive deep into each tech/software transaction, gaining a profound understanding of the business model and technical components. This allows us to focus on what truly matters to our clients. We provide tailor-made solutions, intricately designed to fit the unique business needs of each company. Our prowess in handling complex situations with a keen eye for detail ensures that no energy is wasted on peripheral issues.

We’re not just your legal advisors; we are innovative, versatile individuals with rich lives outside work. Our clients value our ability to not only provide top-notch legal expertise but also clear, forthright recommendations. As project managers, we thrive on leading and coordinating, always thinking ten steps ahead, being the driving force in all our projects.

Our over 15 years of experience in tech and software transactions underline our intrinsic interest in tech innovations. We are passionate about working with companies at the forefront of groundbreaking developments and technology solutions. Our vision is to be the go-to firm for crucial or complex tech transactions and legal issues in the tech sector.

Our love for tech stems from its perpetual novelty, its magic-like qualities, the visionary people it brings us together with, the mental flexibility it demands, and the cool, often unimaginable solutions it provides. We’re not just lawyers; we’re tech enthusiasts, dedicated to navigating the ever-evolving tech landscape with skill, creativity, and passion.

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